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Scheduled overnight closures and diversion routes

7th and 8th April 2025

Access to the M6 Toll at junction T1 northbound entry slip will be closed overnight (21:00 to 06:00) on the 7th and 8th of April by a National Highways contractor for essential Safety Fence repairs. A clearly signed diversion route will be provided along the A4097 and A38 to the M6 Toll at junction T3 northbound.

The diversion route will lengthen your journey by 2 miles and approximately 4 minutes in free flow conditions.

28th May 2025

Access from the M6toll to the A5148 at junction T5 southbound exit slip will be closed overnight (21:00 to 06:00) by a National Highways contractor for essential maintenance works on the 28th of May. A clearly signed diversion route will be provided along the M6toll to junction T4 southbound exit slip then the A38 via Weeford Island and Swinfen Island.

The diversion route will lengthen your jour journey by 1.5 miles and approximately 3 minutes in free flow conditions.